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오차의 범위 : 정류장들 Tolerance : Stations
공연 아카이브 Theater Archive

Arko Art Theater small hall
2024.05.03 ~ 2024.05.05
Fri 20.  
Sat 15. / 19.
Sun 15.

- This space is dedicated to the moments surrounding <Tolerance: Stations> within the theater.
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- All materials are copyrighted by lunder & thightening,
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"The fact that the world is vast can be a source of salvation. Despair pushes a person into a confined space, and depression is, quite literally, a sunken pit. Sometimes it’s necessary to dig deep into oneself, to descend below the surface, but equally important is the opposite movement—emerging from oneself, stepping into a wider world where you don’t have to cling so tightly to your own story or problems. The ability to journey in both directions is crucial, and sometimes it is by venturing outward, beyond boundaries, that we begin to delve into the heart of what we’ve been holding onto. This is the expansiveness that enters into the landscape—an expansiveness that pulls you out of the story."

- Rebecca Solnit, The Faraway Nearby, p.53
